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HealthCrave Medical Center will host a wellness expo in conjunction with their grand opening, December 1, 2012 for San Antonio, Texas residents. The wellness expo features the lifestyle management concept developed by HealthCrave to serve the people of San Antonio.
San Antonio, TX (PRWEB) October 31, 2012
HealthCrave Medical Center co-founder, Mrs. Le Ann M. Cyr, explained that "the HealthCrave Wellness Expo will be a great way for the public to familiarize themselves with the lifestyle management concept offered through HealthCrave. Lifestyle management includes a comprehensive set of lifestyle and health care strategies available in the San Antonio area through HealthCrave. This will be a fun event for everyone and we've programmed children's interactive dance, rock climbing, face painting, balloons and more. For the adults we'll provide screenings and on site doctors and nurses to answer health related questions".HealthCrave Medical Center is made up of seven Centers of Excellence, including: primary care, exercise and massage therapy, rehabilitation, nutrition, aesthetics and vascular, dermatology, and sports psychology. These centers of excellence work together, beginning with the family practice concept, as the first step in evaluating health strategies for a healthy lifestyle. Should patients need and want to improve their health through the available centers, they'll be able to get a referral to the HealthCrave centers to help them improve their lifestyle. All centers are co-located at 21 Spurs Lane, San Antonio, Texas for patient convenience.
The concept for a complete patient lifestyle program is new to the San Antonio area. HealthCrave patient records are maintained, for their protection, on a single, secure platform. This system allows providers to access patient medical information from a coordinated, lifestyle management concept or hub. The portal or entry point is primary care, and the spokes are the additional centers supporting patient needs. One system will make it easier for patients to receive quality care, where diagnosis, treatment and medication are all available and known to all follow on specialists.
The inaugural HealthCrave Wellness Expo will be held at 21 Spurs Lane, San Antonio, Texas between 9:00 am through 1:00 pm, December 1, 2012. It will feature all seven HealthCrave Centers of Excellence and will incorporate ABC television's hit show, Extreme Makeover Home Edition recipient, SSgt Shiloh Harris. SSgt Harris was severely wounded by an explosive device in Iraq, and now helps provide support to other Veterans in the greater San Antonio area.
ABC will air a special 2 hour episode of Extreme Makeover Home Edition, featuring SSgt Shiloh, December 17, 2012 at 8:00 pm CDT. Look more details on the this special and the HealthCrave Wellness Expo at or contact Marketing Director, Dave Howell at 210-618-6566 or
Dave Howell
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By NBC News staff
First Lady Michelle Obama reveals how the president encourages their kids to at least pretend to pay attention at big events.
Ask any teens about their parents' jobs and you're bound to get some shrugged shoulders and thoroughly disinterested looks. And it doesn't seem to matter what line of work you're in. Evidently even the position of commander-in-chief isn't enough to hold a typical teen's attention.
On Thursday night, First Lady Michelle Obama visited "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" and admitted that daughters Sasha and Malia sometime require a little pushing to make sure they at least fake interest in Dad's leader-of-the-free-world gig.
"They're great kids," she told Kimmel. "I mean, we are so blessed, and they have been so poised and gracious through these ups and downs that this life offers them."
But that doesn't mean they don't get bored.
"Well, they're still teenagers, so you know, they don't have a poker face," Obama added.
But every so often, when it's really important, the president does his best to keep them interested -- of at least keep them looking interested.
"The one thing he cares about is, 'Just look like you're listening to me.' That was his instruction before he gave his speech at the DNC," she recalled. "We?re backstage, and they?re playing around, and they?re laughing, and they?re giggling, and he said, ?Just act like you?re listening to me!??
Music to vote to
Over on ?The Daily Show,? host Jon Stewart was interested in both presidential candidates and how they related to songs from current reality TV show judges. ?Barack Obama is saying to the electorate ?Hit Me Baby One More Time,? while Mitt Romney is perhaps saying 'I?m a Genie in a Bottle, Baby,'" quipped Stewart.
If only the candidates actually did sing those songs at political stops rather than giving the same old stump speeches, the campaign coverage on the news would be a lot more fun to watch.
But instead, both Stewart and Stephen Colbert on "The Colbert Report" focused more on political arguments, with each having high-profile guest on their shows on Thursday.
Stewart interviewed House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. She had some good zingers, but wasn?t interested in a comedy routine with Stewart as much as she was focused on getting her message out.
Pelosi took Stewart?s point that the odds are against Democrats taking the House, but said ?That?s what they say, but that?s why we have elections. It?s not determined by the pundits, but by the people.?
She also portrayed this election as a stark choice between political philosophies, particularly on issues like abortion and the future of social security and medicare. ?It?s about shared values. It?s not about having a job, it?s about doing a job for the American people,? she said.
Colbert interviewed outgoing Indiana governor Mitch Daniels, a Republican who like Colbert himself has a book to promote: ?Keeping the Republic: Saving America by Trusting Americans.?
?Do I have to trust all Americans? Because it?s my understanding that 47% of Americans are parasites,? Colbert asked.
Daniels tried to avoid taking the political bait, as the point of the book is that politicians need to trust people enough to let them make their own choices. ?A lot of politicians on both sides think don?t think that American can handle the truth,? Daniels said, although he regrettably did not use that line to channel Jack Nicholson?s character in ?A Few Good Men.?
Colbert also pointed out that many candidates write a book as a prelude to seeking higher office. That?s something Daniels decided not to do. But Colbert told him it wasn?t too late.
?There are still 12 days left. That?s longer than the entire Tim Pawlenty campaign,? he said.
More on Mourdock
Both Stewart and Colbert mined some additional comedy out of Indiana Senatorial candidate Richard Mourdock?s comments on rape and abortion.
Stewart pointed out that Romney still endorses the Republican candidate. ?Not often do you hear someone say ?I disagree on your views about rape and incest but ? not a dealbreaker,?? he said.
Such an endorsement was not given by Daniels, the outgoing Republican governor of Indiana. He said that when he agreed to become President of Purdue University once his term ends in January 2013, he also agreed to become ?a political noncombatant? and stay out of that line of punditry.
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I initially started this post to be a focus on how coconut oil can help improve thyroid function and aid in weight loss, but as I started writing, it turned into more of a Let?s Get Personal post. So, for the sake of not letting this post get too long, I am going to discuss my personal experience with how coconut oil has helped me, and then soon, I will share a more scientific post about how coconut oil helps the thyroid and weight loss.
NOTE: Due to the FDA and FTC laws on health claims, I need to make this very clear. None of the information in this post is to be construed as medical advice. I am not a doctor or certified medical practitioner of any sort. I am simply sharing the success that I have had with adding coconut oil to my diet. Every person is different and you should always consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, supplements, or exercise routine. For a full disclaimer,?please?read my Terms and Conditions. The following post is ALL my own, personal experience.
You all know that I have a major love affair with?coconut?oil. I have written about it many times and it is a staple in my kitchen. I use lots of it daily.?If you want to read some of my past posts, check these out:
For years, I have read, and been told, that coconut oil can help improve thyroid function and also help the body shed weight. I think that these two things go hand-in-hand, because typically if you have a low-functioning thyroid, you will also find it incredibly hard to lose weight. If you are hyperthyroid, you usually have the opposite problem (too much weight loss), so for the sake of this article, I will just be focusing on hypothyroid issues.
As some of you know, this summer (on August 1st), I embarked on a healing journey. I finally got to a place in my life where I felt that I could handle taking on the health problems that I had been ignoring. I won?t go into a lot of detail about my healing journey in this post, so if you want to know more, I do encourage you to read my Let?s Get Personal Series. I will be talking about thyroid issues, hormone issues, adrenal issues, and blood sugar issues.
When I first started on this journey, the main?dysfunction?that I wanted to address was my low-functioning thyroid. I was diagnosed as hypothyroid about 6 years ago. For the most part, I have not had many of the symptoms of low thyroid function, up until about a year ago.?Maybe?it was because I was not as in tune with my body as I thought I was. Or, maybe it was because I was in tune with my body and I was just in denial. Whatever the reason, I had just resolved that I would take my T4 medication and that was that. But, I finally realized that I owed it to my present self, and my future self, to figure out what was going on with my body and do?everything?in my power to fix it.
Now that I am a couple months into the journey, I can look back and see that I did have many more symptoms of low-functioning thyroid and adrenal issues that I ever realized. Here are some of the symptoms that I have noticed over the last 6 years:
Now, I have always eaten coconut oil. Really, I have eaten coconut oil for as long as I can?remember? It is one of my primary cooking oils and I use it daily. I never really took it medicinally, I just relied on whatever I was getting from my meals. In total, I was probably getting 2-4 tablespoons of coconut oil per day. With that amount, I was not experiencing increased thyroid function or weight loss.
Now, please note that I am not obsessed about being the ?perfect size?, nor am I focused on being skinny. I just want to lose the excess weight (60+ pounds) that I have put on over the last 6-8 years and get back down to a size where I can once again feel healthy and comfortable in my skin. It is a well known fact that excess weight is a burden on the body. It is hard not only on our bones, joints, and ligaments, it is also hard on our internal organs,?cardiovascular?system, blood sugar system, etc. So, my focus is not to be skinny. My focus is to be healthy. My goal weight is 160-170 pounds. That is where I feel healthy and it fits my 5?10? frame.
There. I said it. I just confessed to the world how much I weigh (you all can do the math).
I am now officially mortified.
Moving on ?.
So, over the last 6-8 years, I put on a total of 67 pounds. They just kind of crept on, and then one day I looked at the scale and said ?WHOA!?. I reached my heaviest weight about a year and a half ago, and over the course of the last couple years, I have lost around 15 pounds. Not a lot, and it wasn?t easy. Losing weight has never been easy. Still, it was a long ways away from my goal weight range of 160-170, which, BTW, according to the CDC, if I weigh 170, I would still be considered ?Overweight? by their BMI calculator. I honestly think the standard BMI calculators are a bunch of junk. They don?t take into consideration anything other than height and weight. There is no consideration for frame size (I am a big-framed person anyways ? you know, ?big boned?), muscle mass, etc. Hence the reason that I am not concerned with getting to what the CDC determines as a ?normal? weight.
I attribute this weight gain to (a) my low-functioning thyroid, (b) my?malfunctioning?adrenals, (c) food allergies (gluten/grains, legumes, and dairy), (d) emotional eating, and (e) too much stress. All of which, I am working on fixing. It is frustrating to realize how much weight you put on, despite eating a?relatively?clean diet with lots of real food. I know there are many, many people out there who feel the exact same way.
Anyways, I have completely digressed from my initial point. Thank you for sticking with me ?. I tend to do that a lot.
Back in the middle of August, I was whining confessing to Lydia how frustrated I was that I was eating such a clean diet (no grains, no dairy, no legumes, no sugar), better managing my stress, and exercising (walking and yoga ? nothing too strenuous to burden my adrenals), yet I wasn?t losing any weight. She told me two things:
1. You don?t lose weight to get healthy, you get healthy to lose weight.
2. Try upping your coconut oil.
Point number 1 really hit home for me. We live in a world where we are constantly told that we need to lose weight to be healthy. That, if we just lose weight, we?ll never have to worry about heart disease, diabetes, etc. Because of this, our society is obsessed with weight loss and we live in a world where we are judged by how we look. Losing weight is not a cure-all. Yes, it can help alleviate excess burden on your body, but it?s about time that we start focusing on why we are overweight and address those issues, before we do anything else. More times than none, there are going to be underlying issues that are simply preventing our bodies from dropping extra baggage.
Point number 2 was a total ?Duh!? moment for me. Of course! I should up my coconut oil. I have always known that it?s good in aiding weight loss and helping thyroid health, so why wasn?t I already doing that?
Starting that day, I upped my daily intake of coconut oil to 9-12 tablespoons per day. Yes. You read that correctly. Since I use a lot of coconut oil in cooking, I average about 3 tablespoons that way. The other 6-9 tablespoons, I get by adding it to my tea. I try to drink 2-3 mugs of herbal tea per day and I add about 3 tablespoons of coconut oil into each mug. I am so used to it by now that I actually crave it. For me, it?s almost a treat! I have a cup with breakfast and lunch, and then often another mug at dinner.
And then ?.
The weight started coming off. I began to steadily lose about 1 pound per week (sometimes a little more or less, depending on my activity and stress levels that week). And I am thrilled with that. A pound a week is a good, safe rate to lose weight. To date, I have lost 17 additional pounds. Combine that with my previous 15 pound weight loss and we?re at a whopping 32 pounds gone! I am officially halfway to where I want to be! And, there has been nothing difficult or frustrating. I don?t even think about it. I just eat as cleanly as possible, enjoy my tea and coconut oil, and let my body do what it needs to do. It took me 6+ years to get to this point, so it certainly isn?t going to change overnight!
I also feel like I have a little more energy throughout the day, and my energy levels are staying stable, whereas before, they were kind of up and down. A lot of that has to do with my determination to keep my blood sugar levels stable, but getting plenty of fat is key to making that happen.
Now, please don?t misinterpret this as me saying if you eat a whole bunch of coconut oil, you?ll lose weight. In my case, I think there are a number of reasons that I am finally being able to drop the excess weight, when in the past, I was not. I think all of the lifestyle changes that I have made over the last few months are all feeding off of one another to help with weight loss (upping my coconut oil intake may have been the one final thing that my body needed):
1. We?eliminated?allergens: grains, dairy, legumes, and sugar.
2. We started supplementing with high-quality?products for specific areas that I was deficient.
3. I started focusing on getting more rest ? in bed by 9:30pm most nights.
4. I got my blood sugar regulated so I no longer have spikes and dips.
5. I am working on the emotional aspects of illness and healing and that process is helping re-define my relationship with food.
(when I say ?we?, I mean me and my?nutritional?therapist Lydia)
I am so excited about all of this. I think that we really underestimate the amount of fat that our bodies need. After decades of being fed the low-fat nonsense, I think we forget that fat is an important part of our diet. I have a feeling that even when I was eating what I considered a lot of fat, I perhaps wasn?t really eating enough. I am looking forward to seeing where this journey takes me. Remember, fat does not make you fat! If you?re still afraid of saturated fat, please read this post.
Whew! That was a long post. But, that is how coconut oil has helped me and I wanted to share. Have you had success incorporating coconut oil into your diet? Have you experienced improved thyroid function and/or weight loss? I would love to hear your story! Leave a comment below.
P.S. Coconut oil is not just good for they thyroid, it?s good for a host of things.?For lots of health-related information on coconut oil, I have found?this book from the founders of Tropical Traditions?to be very informative. It was just updated for 2012 and contains a ton of new information. If you?re a?new customer, you can receive a copy for free on your first purchase, and I get a discount coupon for referring you!?Click this link?to place your order and receive your free book!
Virgin Coconut Oil Book from Tropical Traditions
Delicious Obsessions was founded by Jessica Espinoza in 2010. Jessica is passionate about real food, natural living, and more. She helps people see how to eat nourishing food, without breaking the bank. Her motto is "baby steps" -- making small, lasting changes, one at a time, is the best way to ensure long-term success. This website contains "affiliate links" where appropriate, on which, I may earn a small commission or referral fee on your purchase. This has no effect on your price. The monies earned help maintain and support this website's hosting, maintenance, and the development of free content. The content shared on this site is for informational and educational purposes only. Statements/products discussed have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or illness. Please consult your own health care practitioner before making changes to your current diet or before beginning any herbal or vitamin supplement regimen or exercise program.
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For the Anishinaabe people at the southernmost tip of Lake Huron, cedar is not just a tree ? it is sacred. Used in medicines and teas, the tree?s roots, bark and sap have been central to their physical, mental and cultural wellbeing for centuries.
?We smudge with it, as singers we inhale it, as a medicine we bathe in it,? said Ron Plain, an Anishinaabe tribe member and environmental policy analyst at the Southern First Nation Secretariat.
But the tribe has abandoned its generations-old tradition. The cedar is tainted with cadmium, a metal linked to cancer and learning disabilities. In this region of Ontario, dubbed ?Chemical Valley,? the contamination is part of everyday life for the Anishinaabe.
For decades, indigenous people in the United States and Canada have been burdened with health problems linked to environmental pollutants. But that isn?t their only sacrifice: Pollution is crippling some tribes? culture, too.
Their native foods, water, medicines, language and ceremonies, as well as their traditional techniques of farming, hunting and fishing, have been jeopardized by contaminants and development. And as indigenous people lose these vital aspects of their lives, their identity is lost, too.
?Animals have died off or left, the water is no good. This is not the world that we know and rely on,? said Kathy Sanchez, a member of the Tewa Pueblo, a tribe in New Mexico that is living with a legacy of pollution from uranium mining.
?It?s contaminated our culture.?
Life in Chemical Valley
About 850 Anishinaabe live on the Aamjiwnaang reservation just east of Michigan?s thumb across the St. Clair River near Sarnia, Ontario. The area has earned its ominous nickname, Chemical Valley, because it is home to 62 industrial facilities ? 40 percent of Canada?s chemical industry. Chemicals such as benzene, cadmium, formaldehyde and lead permeate the reservation.?
A private lab, commissioned by the tribe in 2006, tested the cedar used for ceremonies and teas, and found elevated levels of cadmium.
While cadmium is a naturally occurring element, industrial emissions in Sarnia totaled 611 tons between 2000 and 2010, according to Canada?s National Pollutant Release Inventory.
It?s difficult to know whether Anishinaabe concerns over cedar are warranted because it is unclear how much cedar goes into the tea or is used in other practices, according to a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spokesperson.
Oral exposure to cadmium can lead to kidney damage, while inhaling it can damage lungs or raise the risk of lung cancer. In addition, children with higher cadmium levels are three times more likely to have learning disabilities and participate in special education, according to a nationwide study of U.S. children published in January.?
At the reservation, 23 percent of children have learning or behavioral difficulties compared with about 3 to 5 percent of children in a neighboring county, according to a 2005 community study.
In addition, about 40 percent of the Anishinaabe use an inhaler, and 22 percent of children reported having asthma, according to a 2007 study by Ecojustice, a Canadian environmental organization. In comparison, the asthma rate was 8.2 percent in surrounding Lambton County, Ontario, and 9.4 percent for all U.S. children.?
Birth complications also are commonplace. Of 132 women surveyed in the community in 2005, 39 percent had at least one stillbirth or miscarriage. The average for women in the United States is 15 percent, according to the National Institutes of Health.?
Health experts also wonder if industrial chemicals are behind a decline in births of baby boys discovered there. Boys accounted for only 35 percent of births between 1999 and 2003, according to a study by the University of Ottawa. The decline may ?partly reflect effects of chemical exposures,? the study says.?
But it is unclear whether industrial pollutants such as cadmium are to blame, said Niladri Basu, an assistant professor at the University of Michigan who is conducting a study of chemical exposures at the reservation.
?For decades the community has been pleading for others to provide science-based evidence to uphold their health claims,? Basu said. ?People have done their own surveys ? and asthma rates are higher, there are greater rates of cancer, and kids just aren?t learning well. But the science linking chemical emissions and health problems is lacking.?
Results of Basu?s community health study are expected early next year.
Anishinaabe also used to gather rocks from local streams for sweat lodge ceremonies ? a purifying ritual used by native people to seek guidance. The rocks are now coated in a ?slick oily substance,? Plain said. They haven?t been tested, so no one knows what the substance is. But out of fear of rocks that do not look like they used to, the practice, which has been around for decades, wanes.
?What makes us who we are is our connection to the land and the ability to live off it. We have lost that,? Plain said. ?We end up completely reforming to North American society. We're a dying culture.?
Contaminants affect the ability of tribes to live and raise children in their traditional ways, said Elizabeth Hoover, an assistant professor of ethnic and American studies at Brown University who has worked with the Anishinaabe and other tribes on environmental justice issues.?
?The problem here is two-fold,? Hoover said. ?There?s more miscarriages than there should be, and even if a women can have a baby, she can?t raise it in a healthy environment.?
She said many members have expressed despair in becoming a tribe in name only, ?just regular Americans, or regular Canadians.?
Contaminated river, lost identity
Before the St. Lawrence River spills into the Atlantic Ocean, it runs through the Mohawk Nation at Akwesasne and for centuries gave tribe members water, food and an identity. Straddling the U.S.-Canada border north of New York State and now home to about 12,000, the territory was settled by the Mohawk Nation in the mid-18th century.
Almost three centuries later, industry came to the shores. And with industry came contaminants. In the early 1980s, the river was polluted with polychlorinated biphenyls ? PCBs???from three aluminum foundries upstream of the Akwesasne. The water, fish and people were tainted with toxic chemicals.
But there?s an impact that blood tests can?t measure. The relationships and experiences that took place on the river are now endangered as the community avoids it out of fear.
?Fishing is more than throwing a line and bait into the water. Children learned about our culture and their world on that river,? said Katsi Cook, an aboriginal midwife from the Akwesasne community. ?Our social practices and identity are tied into the flowing water ? its quality of life directly correlates to the life around it.?
Since the chemicals were discovered, researchers have found a relationship between PCB concentrations in blood and decreased cognitive and thyroid function, and elevated risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension in the Mohawk Nation, said David Carpenter, director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University at Albany.
Due to the chemicals, the New York Department of Health recommends limiting consumption to a meal a month for most fish, and recommends not eating carp, channel catfish and large lake or brown trout caught in the St. Lawrence River. It also recommends that women over 50 and children under 15 years old do not eat any fish from the river.
Carpenter, who has worked with the Mohawk Nation since the 1980s, said PCB levels in the Mohawk have gone down?because ?they are eating less local fish. But they are still higher than the national average ? by almost three times.
?The contamination has been a threat to both their health and culture,? Carpenter said. ?When you look at whether or not to fish, people are forced to make a choice ? the health of you and your family or preserving your culture. Some still fish, but, not surprisingly, many choose health.?
Cook said fewer children are learning a skill that has defined the Mohawk.
?When I was a girl, our refrigerator was a box of fish in the river,? Cook said. ?We had names for fish ? like tsikonsis for northern pike, meaning long-nose. Only the elders know that now.
?How you can experience what a tsikonsis is unless you tangled with it at the end of a line ? took it to shore, prepared it, cooked it ? ate it and shared it with your family? The river, free of these chemicals, is where real learning, understanding and identity take place.?
Plain, of the Anishinaabe in Ontario, said his grandfather would take him hunting for their dinner. And his grandmother and mother would take his sisters out to gather medicine and berries.
?We learn not by being told, but by watching, doing,? he said.
Plain said it was more than just passing down knowledge ? it was a way to bond.
?It was a learning experience, but it was also history? My grandfather would point out things like where my father got his first kill,? Plain said. ?We?ve lost the stories of our families, connections to our land, food, medicines ? everything we know.?
?Food is our culture?
Alaska?s St. Lawrence Island Yupik community, about 800 people, is about 150 miles south of the Arctic Circle ? miles away from industry. But chemicals have hitched rides on winds and waters that have carried them there, as the cold climate acts like a sink for pollutants.
The pollutants have shown up in the fat of marine animals that are an important part of the community's diet.
?Our food is literally our culture,? said Vi Waghiyi, environmental health and justice program director at the Alaska Community Action on Toxics and a member of the Yupik people on St. Lawrence Island.
A 2011 study found that the rendered oils of bowhead whale, seals and walrus contained PCB concentrations of 193 to 421 parts per billion. The U.S. EPA consumption limit for PCBs in fish to avoid excess risk of cancer is 1.5 parts per billion.?
The people of St. Lawrence Island have levels of PCBs in their blood about four times higher than the average U.S. population, according to a 2011 study by Carpenter. But there has been no comprehensive study of their health.
Unlike tribes in more urbanized areas, the Yupik are so remote that fishing and hunting continue.
?It?s not an option to change our diet,? Waghiyi said. ?But the joy of a successful hunt and sharing the food has been replaced with people wondering, will this harm my family??
Contamination fears don?t tell the whole story. Farming dropped off among the Mohawk at Akwesasne in the past few decades due to encroaching residential and commercial development, according to a 2005 soil survey by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Because prime farmland was taken by industry and urban uses, the Mohawk started farming lands more ?erodible, droughty and less productive,? according to the report.?
Elders half a century ago warned Cook and other young Mohawk that the world was changing and that the first signs would be in the food by way of agriculture. And they were right, said Cook, who is now 60.
?After the contamination, gardening and agriculture slowed down out of fear. Our connections to the land were slowly lost,? she said. ?The nutrients from food we would catch or grow with our hands are replaced by the standard American diet.?
Losing people, wildlife
While elders like Cook and Waghiyi attempt to revive ways of life in the face of pollutants, culture is meaningless if there are no people.
?There were 4,000 of us at one time ? 32 villages,? Waghiyi said about the Yupik. ?Now we have two villages with 800 people [each]. We?ve faced starvation, epidemics, and illness brought from western contact. And now chemicals, chemicals everywhere.?
In the Southwest?s Tewa Pueblo community, mining left uranium and PCBs contamination. Once over 3,000 people, the tribe has dipped to around 1,500, said Sanchez, co-founder of Tewa Women United.
The tribe suspects that health problems and population drops are linked to their proximity to the old uranium mines and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. However, there is no scientific evidence to back up their fears. No studies have been conducted.
?We never knew things like cancer. Now everyone has cancer,? she said. ?You can?t say that all of these birth defects and miscarriages aren?t connected [to the contamination].?
Some wildlife becomes contaminated ? some vanishes.
The Gabrielinos, an indigenous community in Southern California, use coastal sage scrub just as the Anishnaabe use cedar ? a cleansing, purifying plant for smudging and sweat lodge ceremonies. But it's nearly gone because it was growing on coastal land bulldozed for multi-million-dollar homes. California officials estimate 70 to 90 percent of coastal sage scrub has been destroyed and that nearly 100 species of plants and animals that inhabit it are classified as rare, sensitive, threatened or endangered.
The Tewa Pueblo in New Mexico used to have a clan system ? over 250 clans ? to ?teach children about the world,? Sanchez said. ?There was a deer clan, a beaver clan, a water clan and so on.?
Sanchez said the clans would aspire to the positive attributes of their symbol. Children would hear teachings about the history of each clan and how it came to have its symbol, so they would learn about wildlife and their culture at once, Sanchez said.
?But we?ve lost that,? she said.
She said a Los Alamos National Laboratory expansion in 2008 displaced more wildlife ? citing fewer beaver and deer sightings.
Leslie Hansen, a wildlife biologist at the Laboratory's Environmental Protection Division, said ?there is no doubt that there have been dramatic changes in the landscape.? But she said many factors, including human population growth, drought, wildfires and beetle infestations, ?could possibly be contributing to changes in wildlife numbers.?
Tribal leaders see the modern threats to their culture as a continuation of the mistreatment suffered decades ago through land grabs, genocide and indoctrination.
?We have battered wife syndrome," Plain said. "Industry and government contaminate our land, apologize for it, and do it again. And again. And again.?
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Retired Army nurse Carol Kelm served her country, community
Family, friends and fellow veterans will bid their final good-bye to retired U.S. Army Maj. Carol Kelm Saturday morning at Fairview Cemetery.
The Stillwater VFW Post No. 323 Honor Guard will conduct Kelm?s gravesite service with full military honors befitting a veteran who served her country as an Army nurse in three wars, made the military her career, rose to the highest rank a woman could reach in the Army when she served and was a VFW life member.
But Saturday?s service cannot adequately remember a woman with a fierce independent streak who gave back to her community for many years after her retirement.
?She lived alone. She never asked anybody for help,? said Kelm?s nephew, David Carlson.
Carlson moved back to Stillwater from Appleton, Wis., in 2010, in time to take care of his aunt, who was in poor health.
?It was a good thing that we did because that?s when she started to fail,? he said.
Kelm passed away Sept. 14 at age 97. She lived in her small lakeside home in Lake Elmo up to her death, Carlson said.
Submitted Photo
Retired Army Maj. Carol Kelm, center is shown with two colleagues at one of the many military hospitals she was stationed. A graveside service for Kelm, who died in September is Saturday at Fairview Cemetery in Stillwater.
Carlson said his aunt was born and raised in Stillwater, graduating from Stillwater High School in 1935. Kelm went on to earn a teaching degree from Winona State Teachers College and teach physical education for five years, Carlson added.
World War II was raging when Kelm joined the Army in the mid-1940s, Carlson said.
?The Army sent her to nurses training at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester,? he said.
From Rochester, Kelm served as a nurse during the last days of World War II in 1945, Carlson said.
?When she was in Japan, she volunteered to treat victims of the atomic bombs,? Carlson said about his aunt.
The Army became Kelm?s career, Carlson said. His aunt served at military hospitals in Orleans, France; Osaka, Japan, and every major U.S. military hospital until retiring in 1966, Carlson said.
?Her military service spanned three wars, World War II, Korea and Vietnam,? he said.
Kelm returned to Lake Elmo, built a house on the city?s namesake lake and indulged in her love for fishing, Carlson said.
?Her first passion in life was fishing. Her most important day of the year was the opening of bass fishing,? he said
Carlson said Kelm would carry her outboard motor to her boat. When lugging an outboard motor became too hard, Kelm would bring oars to her boat, he added. Eventually, age forced Kelm to fish off her dock, he said.
Fishing wasn?t Kelm?s only interest, Carlson said. She hunted, traveled, climbed mountains, played baseball and basketball and bowled.
?She was an avid bowler. She bowled in Stillwater for years,? he said.
Kelm also gave back to the community by volunteering at local nursing homes as a physical therapist and speaking at schools.
?That was in the early years (of her retirement). She did that up into the ?90s,? Carlson said. ?She visited elementary schools and talked about the war and her travels.?
Kelm?s death leaves Carlson and his wife with a lot of memories of his aunt. That?s because he said Kelm left a house full of carefully labeled and organized slides of her travels.
?She documented everything,? he said.
And that might be a good thing, because Carlson said his aunt?s passing marks the end of her family?s lineage in the Valley.
?She is the last of the Kelm family,? he said.
Maj. Carol V. Kelm, U.S. Army (ret.)
The Stillwater Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 323 Honor Guard will conduct a graveside service with military honors for Maj. Carol V. Kelm, who passed away Sept. 14, 2012, at the age of 96. Maj. Kelm was a life member of the VFW.
The service is 11 a.m. Saturday just south of the main flagpole at Fairview Cemetery in Stillwater. The family invites all who wish to attend.
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Biology is a science that researches and studies all living organisms around us, including humans, plants, animals, birds, bacteria, fungi, and other living beings. Biology also studies ecosystems, inland waters, heredity and genes, animal psychology, behavior and interaction, medical developments, food industry, and other very interesting aspects. There are plenty of branches, including molecular biology, biochemistry, embryology, cryobiology, sociobiology, cell biology, and many many more. Therefore, those of the students who?ve got an assignment to write a biology research paper have really a multitude of choices and can select one of the wide variety of numerous biology paper topics. Remember that choosing a good topic for your research paper is a crucial step on the way to achieving success in academic writing.
When a suitable and interesting topic for you biology research paper has been chosen, it is the time to start collecting relevant materials and all sorts of data for your research. Using factual and statistical information is the best way since such kind of data can be easily processed and analyzed by using both simple and complicated methods and techniques. Remember that writing a research paper is a bit different from writing an academic essay, and it is necessary to provide interesting and possibly innovative conclusions or findings with your work. Writing a good biology research paper requires a lot of dedication and a lot of special knowledge. In the worst case scenario, try to choose a controversial topic related to biology as a science, and write a research paper which would analyze the existing opinions and viewpoints to the issue, as well as express and defend your own point of view.
After choosing one of the best biology paper topics and completing your research part, you can come to actual writing the paper. First of all, you need to introduce the topic to your reader and explain the objective or the aim of your biology research paper. Remember that writing a great introduction is an art, and it is necessary to spend every effort to make your introduction brief, interesting, intriguing, and stimulating the reader go on reading your biology research paper. You can use some striking facts, some interesting figures or statistics, but only on very small amounts since it is essential to keep your introduction brief and to the point. Do not forget to mention the importance of the chosen topic and the significance of studying it for our daily life. Continue your work with writing a body of your paper, using sections, headings, sub-headings, and so on.
Remember that your research paper should not simply restate the information you?ve found but interpret and analyze it. Follow the chosen writing style suitable for a research paper like this. Include plenty of illustrative materials like diagrams, graphs, pictures, and so on. Complete your writing part with summarizing your work, presenting the conclusions and findings, as well as re-stating your thesis statement. Spend proper amount of time on creating a reference page, according to the requirements of the chosen academic formatting style (Chocago, APA, MLA, etc.) Read your research paper carefully a few times in order to spot and correct all possible grammar and spelling errors. Before submitting your biology research paper, be sure that you used proper formatting and referencing styles. Good luck with you work!
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The little blue 'new economic patriotism' booklet is President Obama's answer to Mitt Romney's 5-point plan ? and to voters who want to know what he would do with a second term.
By Mark Trumbull,?Staff writer / October 24, 2012
President Obama holds up a copy of job plan during a joint campaign appearance with Vice President Joe Biden, not seen, on Tuesday at Triangle Park in Dayton, Ohio.
Al Behrman/AP
EnlargePresident Obama is campaigning with a new weapon in his hand ? a little blue booklet that amounts his answer to Mitt Romney's "five point plan."
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To critics on the conservative side, the new Obama blueprint for a second term contains little that would count as a big idea or a new idea. Rather, they say it's a symbol that Mr. Obama is waking up, belatedly, to the notion that voters want something from a candidate other than criticism of one's opponent.
It's true that Obama's "new economic patriotism" document, subtitled "A plan for jobs & middle class security," doesn't contain many new proposals. What it may accomplish is simply to offer a rebuttal to Mr. Romney's message that he has a plan and Obama doesn't.
Obama's aim may be to persuade undecided voters of two things. First is that he has some sensible ideas for a second term, including joining Romney in a few. (Obama partially embraces increasing domestic oil and gas production.) The second is that his Republican rival has plans that could prove risky for the economy and the middle class. ("I will never turn Medicare into a voucher," Obama says prominently in the document.)
Both candidates are distilling their agendas into bullet points designed to appeal to the relatively small pool of independent voters who remain up for grabs.
In many ways, the contrast between the two can be summed up in familiar terms: The Republican calls for smaller government, while the Democrat defends a larger or more activist federal role.
Here's a look at a report that amounts to Obama's answer, point by point, to Romney's five-point plan.?
Obama says he wants to see the US create 1 million new manufacturing jobs by the end of 2016. The lead item on his agenda here is corporate tax reform (cutting rates, while offsetting that revenue loss by closing loopholes in the current tax code). The president calls for a new tax credit "for companies that bring jobs home."
He also urges training 2 million workers through new partnerships between community colleges and employers, and creating a network of business-university "manufacturing innovation institutes" to keep US industries on the cutting edge.
In all, his goal of 1 million new jobs sounds like a slight boost from the recent pace of job creation. (Obama's booklet notes that half a million manufacturing jobs have been added in the past 2-1/2 years.)
Manufacturing isn't a category in Romney's five-point plan, but his plan also seeks to boost this important sector of the economy. Romney has his own version of corporate tax reform, which he says would lure employers (US and foreign) to set up more production in America.
"Trade that works for America," is one of Romney's agenda items. Like Obama, he says he'd seek to curtail "unfair trade practices" by China and other nations. Where Obama has an enforcement effort under way, Romney implies he'd go further in getting tough on China ? naming that country a currency "manipulator" on Day 1 of his administration.
Where Obama emphasizes willingness for government to make strategic investments, Romney says that investing in companies is "the wrong way to go." He supports basic science research, but isn't backing Obama-style innovation institutes. He calls for streamlining some 47 US job-training programs, while focusing them "on building valuable skills that align [job seekers] with opportunities."
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Note the vocabulary that people use when discussing your brand online, and utilize that vocabulary in your future online marketing campaigns. This will help you communicate with your customer in their own language. If you use the proper language, your message will be better understood.
Solicit feedback whenever possible. This is vital to success since your judgement of your site?s appearance may not be how others see it. Get feedback from anyone you can, friends, family and potential clients. Take all of this information under advisement and make any necessary changes.
TIP! You can develop your website to look and feel more like a social gathering or club than a business website. Your site will get a lot of traffic when people come back to talk to other people.
It?s not imperative to spend thousands of dollars on a marketing consultant. A quick search on the internet can offer many free resources to help you with your marketing needs. There are many forums dedicated to topics of interest to small business owners. Furthermore, there is plenty of free and for-pay literature available to help you along the way. Seminars are also a popular option for career development.
Be knowledgeable when it comes to your competitors. Check out the websites of competitors to look at their offers. Now, you obviously don?t want to directly steal from them, but when you see what they?re doing to be successful in the niche, you can get a good idea about what you need to do better.
Everything you say about your products or services should be true. Nobody will trust you by words alone, sometimes it is best to provide actual video?s on your site which show your potential proof that the product actually does work. Selling products you really use yourself allows you to provide your own authoritative views on their usefulness.
A great way to participate in link-sharing or advertising in general is to have a professional-looking ?Advertise with Us? badge built on your site. People who have a site that is related to your business in some way will often want to help out by using the add on their own site for their visitors to see.
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A tip that needs consideration when marketing on the Internet is to try different ideas and strategies constantly. Most businesses take a while to take off. You may want to consider staying at your present job until you have successfully been in business for a while.
Try not to create a website which is too flashy and distracting, while still looking attractive. Keep in mind that users generally take five seconds to decide if they are going to stay on a site or not. Use this knowledge to create a site that will tempt them to stay. Chances are good that they will move on if it takes any longer.
It?s important to have unique banner ads on your site if you want to catch readers? attention. So give your banner ad a more appealing look to entice more people to click it.
Email can be an effective business tool. Make sure these emails contain interesting information. Make your subscriber feel that you are sending them personal note with helpful, useful information in it, instead of spam. After customers leave your website, you can keep in touch with them through newsletters.
TIP! Make sure that each page on your site is clear and helpful. Your site should have a title along with a description of your site in the corner of the page.
When marketing online it is important to try every avenue to maximize profits. If your work begins to suffer, your readers will realize it and be turned off. If you stay on the front lines of technology and always have the next best thing available to your customers, then they will be more likely to be loyal to you.
You must be aware of what your competition is doing when pursuing internet promotion. It doesn?t matter what market you have, there is always competition.
If you happen to be an excellent writer, then send some of your work about your business to other websites and magazines. Be certain to add your company information and site information. A lot of editors and webmasters out there need some incentive, so offer them some things like links, affiliate commissions, or some other type of reward.
Entice your customers with discounts for shopping with you. For example, if your customer spends more than $200, give them a 10% discount. People will be even more likely to buy more of your products.
TIP! Usually you want to avoid mixing your business into your personal life. However, this is one of the few exceptions.
Try partnering with a charity. Let your customers know that a certain percentage of each sale goes towards aiding your selected charity. This will increase your credibility and be good advertisement for your business. You can partner with more than a singular charity to give your costumer base a chance to choose which to support.
Lastly, remember that focus is essential to Internet marketing. In conclusion, having everything in order will allow you to make the most of your experience. If you utilize these tips, you will see that your sales and traffic increase on your website
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by T.J. Aulds/ The Daily News
Posted on October 14, 2012 at 4:20 PM
TEXAS CITY, Texas?? The buzz in town for the week will be the opening of the Tanger Outlets, which is set for Friday. But what does the opening of the massive shopping center mean for other big retail spots, including Mall of the Mainland, Gulfway Plaza in La Marque and other big-box centers in the mid county?
A few miles away from the 350,000-square-foot, 80-store Tanger Outlets center is the nearly empty 450,000-square-foot Mall of the Mainland.
As reported first in Daily News reporter Laura Elder?s Buzz Blog on Friday, Boxer Retail, which had planned to redevelop the struggling mall, is no longer involved.
To read more, visit the Galveston County Daily News.
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Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center?made a very public announcement?and explanation?today in a New York Times op-ed about why they will not offer the new drug Zaltrap? (aflibercept) to its metastatic colorectal cancer patients.
The authors, all world-renowned cancer specialists at the world?s oldest cancer center, in an?op-ed headlined ?In Cancer Care, Cost Matters,??essentially challenged other cancer centers to take action where politicians fear to tread.
?We recently made a decision that should have been a no-brainer,? wrote Drs. Peter B. Bach, Leonard B. Saltz and Robert E. Wittes. ?The drug, Zaltrap, has proved to be no better than a similar medicine we already have for advanced colorectal cancer, while its price?at $11,063 on average for a month of treatment?is more than twice as high.?The FDA approved Zaltrap in August for use in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). Both Zaltrap (marketed by Sanofi and Regeneron) and Avastin? (bevacizumab, marketed by Genentech) work through a similar molecular mechanism, and when either medicine is added to standard chemotherapy, ?either medicine has been shown to prolong patient lives by a median of 1.4 months.?
(Note: the authors disclosed that two of them?Drs. Bach and Saltz?have received consulting fees by Genentech.)
?In most other industries, something that offers no advantage?yet sells for twice the price would never even get on the market,? they wrote. But health care is not like other industries. Medicare, as well as private insurers in most states, are required to cover a new drug once it receives FDA approval. But the FDA can only consider whether a new drug is ?safe and effective??not more effective, and costs cannot be considered by either the FDA or Medicare.
The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center leaders noted that their seemingly rational decision to use the less expensive, equally effective drug would likely be called ?rationing, not rational? in a culture where no politicians seem willing to address rising costs of cancer. ??
?But if no one else will act, leading cancer centers and other research hospitals should,? they challenged their peers. ?The future of our health care system, and of cancer care, depends on our using our limited resources wisely.?
Colorectal cancer is typically diagnosed in older people covered by Medicare, which requires a 20 percent copayment for drugs. An older person without supplemental Medicare insurance would have to pay more than $2,200/month for Zaltrap?which is more than the total monthly income for half of Medicare participants. Avastin would cost about $1000 a month.? ?
The medical world already buzzing??
Respected health economist Vivian Ho, the James A. Baker III Institute Chair in Health Economics at Baylor College of Medicine and economics professor at Rice University quickly weighed in with her approval.
The Oct. 15th issue of ClinicalOncology News (an online newsletter for physicians),?published a related report about how researchers and doctors? discussions about both benefits and costs of new drugs can confuse patients, community oncologists, and yes, politicians.
The pharma blogworld is providing lively coverage and comments: Read more at? PharmaLot blog site?and? the pharma news service Fierce Pharma.
You?ll likely see other mass media covering this decision by Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, such as this Washington Post blog.?
What this means for patients:
In the current American medical system and political climate, it?s up to the individual patient and oncologist to seriously discuss the real costs and benefits especially about new drugs becoming available for metastatic CRC.
Stay tuned: Fight Colorectal Cancer will continue monitoring the medical and political worlds, as well as agencies such as Medicare and insurers making coverage decisions.
?Source: Oct. 14 online edition of New York Times, and then in print on Oct. 15, p. A25 of the New York edition.
Disclosure: Fight Colorectal Cancer has accepted funding for projects and educational programs from sanofi-aventis and Bayer in the form of unrestricted educational grants. Fight Colorectal Cancer has ultimate authority over website content. See the Fight Colorectal Cancer Funding Policy and Disclosure.
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Oct 15, 2012
COLUMBIA, SC - October 15, 2012 - MV Commercial Construction has been recognized as a Diamond Award recipient for 2012 by the Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. (ABC) as part of its Safety Training Evaluation Process (STEP). STEP provides ABC member companies with the opportunity to measure safety program progress, indentify ways in which safety on jobsites can be improved and benchmark safety performance with industry peers.?
Diamond recognition is the highest possible recognition level awarded by ABC for its members. Qualifying STEP participants must demonstrate safety excellence through meeting stringent guidelines for safety by demonstrating below average Jobsite Incidence Rates, Workers Compensation Loss Rates and Experience Modification Rates (EMRs). The end goal is creating jobsites with zero-incidents, thereby creating a safe working environment for all workers in an industry where jobsite hazards are typically all too common.
?We are excited to receive the Diamond Award, ABC?s highest STEP recognition level. This award is recognition for all of the planning, hard work and commitment to safety that is practiced every day by our Partners, Associates, Subcontractors and Vendors,? said Brooks Williams, Senior Project Manager/Safety Co-ordinator. ?Miller-Valentine will continue to work as a leader in construction jobsite safety with the goal of zero incidents.?
MV Commercial Construction was formally recognized as a Diamond Award recipient by ABC at their Annual Safety Conference last week in Charlotte, NC.
About Miller-Valentine Group
Miller-Valentine Group is a full-service real estate company that offers expert services in the areas of development, construction, and property management.? Miller-Valentine has developed and constructed more than 50 million square feet in a variety of industries including more than 11,000 multi-family residential housing units. Founded in 1963, Miller-Valentine Group?s commitment to provide its customers quality, value and service is reflected in its wide range of products such as industrial, medical office and surgery centers, Class ?A? office, retail, and multi-family. Today, Miller-Valentine Group is a multi-award winning contractor and developer; most recently being named the first Certified Green Contractor in the Carolinas by the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC).? For more information regarding Miller-Valentine Group, visit
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It's not just America waiting keenly on the Nokia Lumia 920 and its PureView powers -- new images have popped up proving that this Windows Phone 8 device is also headed to China. Corroborating earlier reports of a Lumia 920 that is compatible with China Mobile's TD-SCDMA network, the phone's settings screen mentions "CMCC", which is a reference to that operator -- although it's not clear whether the handset will also support the carrier's proposed LTE network. The pics only show a dark-colored variant, but Nokia will no doubt be depending on the booming Chinese market to bring some sunshine to its balance sheet.
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile, Nokia
Lumia 920T leaks in China, could be Nokia's ticket to a huge new subscriber base originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 15 Oct 2012 12:22:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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